1: Who was the first robin? (this is an easy one)
2: What car is Dean's "baby"?
3: Who was the Alpha who bit Scott in the first episode "pilot"
4: Where is the Justice League of America Headquarters aka Hall of Justice?( Hint: After the Justice league disbanded a year later the Justice League of America formed, with most of your well known superheros)
5: In what conditions do mobs spawn in minecraft?
6: In Arkham City Hugo Strange has a doomsday, evil plan, what was is called?
7: Banner became the Hulk do to....?
8: After Dick (Richard) Grayson stopped being robin what was his new superhero identity?
9: Sam and Dean have a brother what was his name?
10: Are you ready to be the ultimate fan?
11: Are you ready to be the ultimate fan?