How well do you know Darren Espanto

1: What is the full name of Darren

2: what is Darren's favourite color?

3: What is the name of Darren's mom

4: Who is the ultimate childhood crush of Darren

5: When is Darren's birthday

6: What is the name of Darren's crush

7: When was the Birthday Concert

8: Do you love Darren

9: What is the name of the fans of Darren

10: What is the name of Darren's dad

11: What is the name of Darren's little sister

12: What is the name of Darren's closest friend (boy)

13: What is the Darren's coach name

14: How many chairs turned for him

15: How old was he when he auditioned The Voice Kids

16: How old is he now