health final

1: The equation for the IDEAL HR is?

2: 70% of your 100% BPM would be...

3: The police are the public and the public are the police is

4: Where do we take our pulse?

5: The 5 C's

6: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant/Realistic, Timed

7: Precontemplation (5 stages of change) is...

8: Contemplation (5 stages of change) is...

9: Preparation

10: Action (5 stages of change) is...

11: Maintenance/Termination (5 stages of change) is..

12: Extrinstic Motivation

13: Intrinsic Motivation

14: Fast-twitch muscles

15: DOMS

16: Legaments connect...

17: Tendons connect

18: Homeostasis

19: How many people will experience a mental health problem in their LIFETIME?

20: How many people will experience a mental health problem THIS YEAR?

21: Fartlek Training

22: Plyometric Training

23: VO2 MAX

24: HITT